Limelight stamp set GIVEAWAY!!!

Woo hoo!!!  I have another fun blog candy giveaway!!!

Limelight Papercrafts has Pink Cat Studio stamps IN STOCK!!!!

These are just a few of the ADORABLE sets.  And I have ONE for you to win.

Just tell me if you have ever done a drastic change to your hair??? 
I am about to cut off my long hair to donate it (in a few weeks).  I usually do this every couple of years since it is an easy way to give to a lovely charity – plus I always need a change anyway.  🙂

Share your story and you could win a Lily Butterfly set.

(This is a 4″ x 2.75″unmounted sheet of grey rubber only.  There is no cushion attached.)

You have until Sunday, May 16th, NOON (PST) when I will randomly draw a name after that.

Good Luck!!!

18 thoughts on “Limelight stamp set GIVEAWAY!!!

  1. After keeping my hair super short for over 20 years (since junior high!), I got sick of getting it cut every 6 weeks after my second child was born. My drastic solution was to just let it grow (and grow!). Now I get a trim once a year! Of course, it took a while to make any real progress with this “drastic” solution of mine, but to go from every-6-weeks cuts to annual cuts was definitely drastic for me.

    Thanks for the chance to win this adorable stamp set!

  2. I have had short hair for several years, but the past year my mom was so sick I never had time to get it cut-and so it grew rather long-well after she passed I decided to get it trimmed and when I went to the hairdresser she said trim or cut? and something in me thought summer is coming and I can’t be bothered with hot, thick long hair-so I said chop it!! and came home with super short hair!! And of course I love it!

  3. HOOORAY for a giveaway:) I did change my hair drastically in high school–I went from looooooong hair to buzz…I don’t think I knew about donating so I didn’t (wish I had)….I will never do a buzz again (It wasn’t a buzz buzz but it was short like a man’s haircut)…and I wanted to donate my hair about four years ago–but my hairdresser (whom I don’t go to anymore because of this) didn’t donate my hair. She kept it for herself–to practice dying hot pink hair on dark brown. NOT NICE! So…now I just get a regular cut and that is it.

    But thanks for inspiring me to go do it again! I would love to see your before and afters–I never know what hair style would look good on me…Can’t wait to see what you get!

    THANKS for the chance to win:)

  4. Due to my cancer, mu hair doesn’t grow very well. But my husband grows his to donate to Locks of Love. His boss doesn’t say anything about his long hair because he donates it.

  5. My drastic change was in college. Not a big surprise there. I am a fairly pale woman with mousy brown hair. I went to my stylist and went for red hair! Okay, not literally red, but a nice orange color. It was super drastic and fun 🙂

  6. I keep my hair a little longer than my shoulders… Use to be shorter and permed before I had kids but is straight and smooth now… I love straight smooth hair! My daughter had long hair and 2 years ago we took her in to get it cut and donated… Now someone else has her loveley blonde baby hair… now her hair is brown…

  7. I guess my big change in hair style was to stop having a perm, which I hate to admit I did for years, now it is fairly short and have to style it a little each day. I like it!!


  8. I had pretty long hair, below mid-back and i too wanted a change. So i chopped it off, pixie short =) it was awesome. thanks for the chance to win this cute stamp.

  9. Probably the most drastic I went was from mid back to ear length, and then colored it a bright cherry red. This was in High School, and my parents had no clue of my plans. Oh yes, I left a side hanging tail too. LOL! I loved my new ‘do.. but it took them awhile to get used to it! And seeing as how they were teachers at my highschool, they heard more comments than I think I did!

    Thanks for the chance at the blog candy! I placed an order at Limelight recently. Thank goodness they ship to APO addresses! Yay!! Mandy was so helpful!!!

    • Mandy is a sweetheart and has the greatest “stuff.” Good luck, maybe you’ll have another package soon and love the hair story btw!!! Cherry red and side tail… I should have required pictures! hehe

  10. Hi! My mom cut my hair so short when I started Elementary School that I looked like a boy! As a grown up the most drastic change were red highlights, I would love to change the color to chocolatey red but my hair is too black so they would have to bleach it all first and since my hair is delicate and scarce I wont take the chance!

  11. Very cool that you are going to donate your hair- I am actually doing the same (though I have about 3-4 more inches until I am cutting).

    I’ve been mostly mellow with my hair-it’s always been long(ish) but when I left for college, I cut my hair into a bob right at my chin.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I have done a drastic hair cut, usually every few years I go much shorter than normal. I have super thick hair, so I do not wear it very long anymore. Can’t wait to see your new hair!

  13. What a great way to give back. Of course I have. When I was in 4th grade I had a pixie hairdo! I said I would never have my hair that short again. For some reason I have to have my hair long enough for a ponytail. Why? No idea! Maybe cuz you can do my styles with it. So my DH loves short hair on women, which I think is strange, cuz most guys like long hair. So I decided to take the plunge from hair to the bottom of booty to shoulder think. It was a shock but it was so easy to manage. About 10 years after that I buzz my hair really short and like how easy it was, but it just wasn’t for me…it was like a flashback to the pixie do! With all the hair my sister used it at the hairdressing school she was going to. Of course I made her cut it too! Can’t wait to see your new do!
    Thanks for a chance at this sweet giveaway.

  14. Couldn’t deal with longer hair once we moved to Az, now I keep it really short and easier to manage. Love the chance to wins that adoreable stamp, and 4 granddaughters to share it with!!
    Cathy in Az

  15. what cute new sets! my little girl would love the butterfly lily!!! i love to do different things with my hair. i actually trying to decide now whether to cut it or let it keep growing. probably the most drastic thing i did was dye it red…my hair is medium to light brown and the red came out alot different than i was hoping it would…luckily it was just the wash out kind!!!

  16. I haven’t had anything real drastic in a LONG time. I guess the time I remember is when I was in K/1 I had hair down to my rear and I cried when my mom would comb it so I eventually got it cut to shoulder length and it’s been around that area since. 🙂

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